Quest University Canada

Quest University Canada

Quest University was founded in 2007 by Dr. David Strangway with a single goal: to revolutionize undergraduate education.

  • Mission: to reinvent higher education through uniquely student-centred learning and a groundbreaking curriculum designed to inspire and transform.
  • Vision: to create a world of vibrant, informed citizens who think critically and engage deeply.
  • Values: to balance collaboration with individualism, shared ethics with independent thought, and connection with global perspectives.

Courses Offered

You can find Link to the List of Courses you can offer for the next 2-3 years. To view a more precise schedule, students can reference Self-Serve for the current term or contact Essential Solutions Consultancy for guidance.

Courses are listed by number and can be searched by level and by division (Arts & HUManities; INterDiscplinary; LANguages; LIFe Sciences; MAThematics; PHYsical Sciences; SOCial Sciences)